Directors and Management
Board of Directors
Ian Middlemas
Qualifications – B.Com, CA
Mr Middlemas is a Chartered Accountant and holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree. He worked for a large international Chartered Accounting firm before joining the Normandy Mining Group where he was a senior group executive for approximately 10 years. He has had extensive corporate and management experience, and is currently a director with a number of publicly listed companies in the resources sector.
Mr Middlemas was appointed a director of Odyssey Gold Limited on 8 September 2005.
Matthew Syme
Executive Director
Qualifications – B.Com, CA
Mr Syme is a Chartered Accountant and an accomplished mining executive with over 27 years’ experience in senior management roles in Australia and overseas. He was a Manager in a major international Chartered Accounting firm before spending three years as an equities analyst in a large stockbroking firm. He was then Chief Financial Officer of Pacmin Mining Limited, a successful Australian gold mining company.
My Syme has considerable experience in managing mining projects in a wide range of commodities and countries. He most recently held the position of Managing Director of developer, Salt Lake Potash and was a Director from April 2015 to July 2019. Mr Syme also previously held the position of Managing Director at copper-gold developer Sierra Mining Limited, which was acquired by RTG Mining Inc in early June 2014. Mr Syme was responsible for the acquisition of Sierra’s key Mabilo Project in late 2011. Prior to joining Sierra in 2010 he was Managing Director of Berkeley Resources Limited where he successfully guided the acquisition and scoping studies of Berkeley’s Salamanca Uranium Project in Spain.
Mr Syme was appointed an Executive Director of Odyssey Gold Limited on 28 August 2020.
Levi Mochkin
Executive Director of Business Development
Mr Mochkin is a key member of the Ledger Holdings Pty Ltd Group (the Ledger Group), located in Melbourne, Australia and has been in the resources sector for over 28 years advising companies, identifying projects and raising capital of over A$800 million for mining projects.
Mr Mochkin was appointed a director of Odyssey Gold Limited on 31 August 2020.
Robert Behets
Non-Executive Director
Mr Behets is a geologist with 30 years’ experience in the mineral exploration and mining industry in Australia and internationally. He has had extensive corporate and management experience and has been Director a number of ASX-listed companies int he resources sector including Mantra Resources Limited (“Mantra”), Papillon Resources Limited and Berkeley Energia Limited. Mr Behets was instrumental in the founding, growth and development of Mantra, an African-focussed uranium company, through to its acquisition by ARMZ for approximately $1 billion in 2011. Prior to Mantra, he held various senior management positions during a long career with WMC Resources Limited.
Mr Behets has a strong combination of technical, commercial and managerial skills and extensive experience in exploration, mineral resource and ore reserve estimation, feasibility studies and operations across a range of commodities, including uranium, gold base base metals. He is a Fellow of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, a Member of Australian Institute of Geoscientists and was previously a member of the Australasian Joint Ore Reserve Committee.
Mr Behets was appointed a director of Odyssey Gold Limited on 28 August 2020.
Matthew Briggs
Non-Executive Director
Qualifications – B.Sc
Mr Briggs is an expert and experienced professional exploration geologist with a strong background in gold exploration and mining in Australia, most recently as Managing Director of Tanami gold explorer, Prodigy Gold Ltd.
Mr Briggs completed an Honours degree in Geology at University in Queensland and embarked on a 25-year career in gold exploration, starting as an exploration geologist at Central Norseman Gold, then rising to Exploration Manager at St Ives Gold and eventually becoming Vice President and Group Head of Strategic Planning at Gold Fields. He became Managing Director of Prodigy Gold’s predecessor, ABM Resources Ltd, in 2016.
Greg Swan
Company Secretary
Mr. Swan is a Chartered Accountant and Chartered Secretary. He commenced his career at a large international Chartered Accounting firm and has since worked in the corporate office of a number of listed companies that operate in the resources sector.
Mr. Swan was appointed Company Secretary of the Company on 4 November 2020.